
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2020

IELTS Speaking Section Part 1, 2 and 3 - Transport

Motorcycle -artwork by IELTS Speaking Section Part 1 - Talking about Familiar Topics Transport How do you get here today? I got here riding a motorcycle. I  always try to avoid the traffic as much as I possibly can, so, motorcycle is definitely the best choice of transport. Do you often use public transport? Not so often. I use public transport only when I have to travel long distance. For example, if I had to go to Jakarta for a business trip, I usually take the train or the plane. For everyday transport, I always ride motorcycle, like many Indonesians. How often do you take buses? Once a month. I take a bus to go to my hometown, because I visit my parents there regularly. It is a three-hour journey by bus. Actually, it is faster and more convenient to go to my hometown by train, but train schedule is not as flexible as that of buses. Do you think people will drive more in the future? With the rapid development of public transport and the emergence of private ride haili

IELTS Speaking Section Part 1, 2 and 3 - Talking about Weather

Rain -artwork by Part 1 - Talking about Familiar Topics Weather What kind of weather do you like the most? I really like the rainy season, because rain always soothes me. The smell of wet soil and the sound of thunder rumbling from distance make me feel comfortable. I know some people may not like the rain that much, since they have to carry umbrella wherever they go and may find it difficult to do their activities like they always do. Everything is soaking wet and they have to wash their clothes and shoes every day. But I'm the kind of person who stays indoor most of the time, and I really like it when it rains. Does the weather affect the way that you feel? Yes, it does. While the rainy season provides comfort and peace, the dry season in my country is unrelentlessly hot. I live in a tropical country where it is hardly possible to walk outside in the daylight without getting your skin burnt. I sweat a lot and usually becomes more easily irritated. Well, I'm act

IELTS Speaking Section Part 1, 2 and 3 - Environment

- Where is home - artwork by freeschool id IELTS Speaking Section Part 1 - Talking about Familiar Topics Trees Do you like trees?   Yes I do like trees. There are so many advantages that we get from trees. I live in a tropical country, and trees provide a shade for pedestrians, protecting them from the sunburn. Almost every part of a tree is beneficial for human. The wood can be used to make furniture, paper, and lumber. The leaves of certain trees can be used for making dyes. Trees produced sap used for making rubber. Even the green waste of a tree is useful, as it can break down into humus that makes soil more fertile. Are there many trees in your hometown?   Yes, there are so many trees in my hometown, especially in the wooded areas. Some of this wooded area has become teak plantations protected by the government. My hometown is well-known for its high-quality teak. For a reason of sustainability, teak is strictly regulated . We even have a certification for teak, which ensures the

Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan TOEFL Structure and Written Expression

Untuk menyambut fase kelaziman baru alias new normal ini, saya memutuskan untuk kembali memposting artikel-artikel TOEFL, dan merangkum materi serta latihan soal lengkap sebagai satu entitas blog khusus. Ini cukup penting, saya rasa, mengingat kegiatan sehari-hari yang sepertinya mulai normal lagi(?). Tes TOEFL kembali menjadi komponen penting untuk syarat kelulusan (baik saat yudisium atau wisuda, atau bahkan jauh sebelumnya), syarat melamar kerja, serta syarat-syarat yang lainnya. Agar tidak terkesan terlalu panjang dan melelahkan, materi serta latihan yang ada akan saya tulis di postingan yang berbeda, agar semua tipe soal juga bisa terangkum disini. Baiklah, mari kita mulai latihan soal dengan menyelesaikan 10 soal Structure and Written Expression berikut ini. TOEFL Structure and Written Expression (10 soal) Soal Nomor 1 Plants ________ nutrients, water and light to grow (A) it needs (B) needs (C) need (D) is needing Soal Nomor 2 Although it was  officially  (A) opened to the  publ