Halo teman-teman, hari ini kita akan membahas sedikit tentang Writing Task 1 di TOEFL IBT. Jika kemarin belum membaca materi Writing Task 2 TOEFL IBT, silahkan baca disini


TOEFL Writing Task 1 berlangsung selama kurang lebih 25 menit (tes writing secara keseluruhan berlangsung selama 50 menit dan ada 2 Task). Seperti kebanyakan writing, ada template tersendiri untuk mengerjakan Writing Task 1 ini. Sebelum mempelajari template writingnya, ada baiknya kita pahami dulu proses pengerjaan Writing Task 1.


Well, Task 1 sendiri agak berbeda karena disini kemampuan sobat akan diuji secara penuh. Diuji secara penuh disini maksudnya adalah sobat akan diuji baik dari aspek Listening, Reading, maupun Writing. Prosesnya dapat dijabarkan sebagai berikut:
1. Sobat harus membaca sebuah passage yang panjangnya kira-kira 250-300 kata
2. Sobat akan mendengarkan recording dengan durasi sekitar 2-2.5 menit
3. Sobat akan menulis sebuah essay yang menjelaskan tulisan dan recording sekaligus

Writing Task 1 ini sangat mirip pengerjaanya ketika sobat mengikuti kuliah. Pertama sobat harus membaca materi perkuliahan. Ketika di kelas, sobat harus mendengarkan penjelasan dosen dan sembari mendengar penjelasan tersebut, sobat membuat catatan atau ringkasan materi. That's how you'll this task (in a nutshell). Materi listening sendiri biasanya berupa lecture atau seminar dan format penulisan pun seperti hal nya menulis argumentative writing.


Paragraph One (Introduction):

  • The reading and the lecture are both about what, which is elaborate.
  • The author of the reading believes that what is stated in the passage.
  • The lecturer questions claims written in the article.
  • He/She thinks that what is stated by the speaker in the recording

Paragraph Two (Body paragraph 1)

  • First of all, the author outlines that first point made by the author in the passage
  • It is mentioned that supporting ideas for the first point
  • This point is challenged by the lecturer.
  • She/he says  counter-argument of point number 1
  • Furthermore, she/he argues supporting ideas for counter-argument of point number 1

Paragraph Three (Body paragraph 2)

  • Secondly, the author states that another point made by the author
  • The article indicates author's statement in the article.
  • The lecturer challenges this argument.
  • She/he argues challenging argument.
  • She elaborates on this by explaining that 
  • She elaborates on this by explaining that supporting ideas for challenging argument

Paragraph Four (Body paragraph 3)

  • Finally, the author states that main idea of the author
  • The article argues that author's statement in the passage
  • On the other hand, the lecturer believes that main idea of the lecturer
  • She puts forth the idea that speaker's argument in the recording

Paragraph Five (Optional Conclusion)

  • It can be concluded that the lecture and the reading are both about ______________.
  • The professor effectively challenges the claims written in the article.
