We already had two writings checked and corrected. Now it's time to try writing Task 2 of the IELTS test. Look at this topic below.
Wealth does not necessarily guaranty happiness.
To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Provide reasons for your answer. Include relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience and write at least 250 words.

First of all, remember that you have to include five points mentioned below:

1. Overview, consists of orientation derived from paraphrasing the original title

For example:

Being rich doesn't necessarily make someone live a happy life. Happiness can be defined by other things that are not related to wordly possession. But wealth is one factor that affects other definitions of happiness, especially when the world is becoming more and more materialistic.

2. State your basis of argument, in which you have to answer the answer regarding the exteng of your agreement or disagreement with proposed idea

For example:
I personally agree that being wealthy can support our life in various aspects and hence makes us happy.
3. Give balanced argument, arguments of those confronting your your belief. Give examples and explanations why some people take this stance. This needs to be a whole paragraph so make sure you provide both topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentences

For example:
Some people argue that more and more rich people now become insecure with their properties. The first and most scariest thing for most wealthy people is tax. Huge amount of spending on tax haunts them bacause it potentially harms them financially. Rich people are also afraid of their safety, they really have problems securing their belonging so that thieves, robbers, or looters do not lay hand on them. Consequently, rich people will always have to bother dividing their wealth in cash, deposit, or any other kind of saving and this really sometimes distract them from other happiness such as spending time with family, or socializing with other people.

Note: You need to add a connecting sentence that contrasts your idea and the opposite ideas (balanced argument). This also makes your writing more coherence.

For example:
However, all these negative sides of being rich are compensated because rich people have their live insured.

4. Explain your argument. This is where you explain your stance so give profound explanations by providing reason and example. This point also has to be a whole paragraph so make sure you provide both topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentences

For example:
They have health insurance, and this is one thing that can be enjoyed throughout their life. Rich people are also well accepted by the general population, and sometimes they even influence the society with their role, leadership, and fame. One thing that can only be enjoyed by the rich is education, either for themselves or for their kids. While the poor are struggling really hard just to pay the mortgage or even sell their belongings just to pay their son's and daughter's student loan, rich people are able to sleep over it for they have more than enough money for tuition and world wide networking to get their accepted in most prestigious college and schools.

5. Give conclusion and solution if possible. Make a sentence that depicts your ideas thoroughly. Remember! You are not supposed to introduce any other ideas at this point. It has to be the end of writing and everything is supposed to be settled already.

For example:
It can be concluded that being a wealthy person is good as long as there is a balance between material happiness and other happiness such as life satisfaction, family, social engagement, and chance to enjoy other little things in life.

Another Note on the template:
You have to master all the points above. If you don't, please refer to the previous, more complete and more comprehensive by tapping this link below

You can also take a look at previous example of writing task 2 by tapping this link:

When combined, those building blocks will look pretty much this way:

Being rich doesn't necessarily make someone live a happy life. Happiness can be defined by other things that are not related to wordly possession. But wealth is one factor that affects other definitions of happiness, especially when the world is becoming more and more materialistic. I personally agree that being wealthy can support our life in various aspects and hence makes us happy.
Some people argue that more and more rich people now become insecure with their properties. The first and most scariest thing for most wealthy people is tax. Huge amount of spending on tax haunts them bacause it potentially harms them financially. Rich people are also afraid of their safety, they really have problems securing their belonging so that thieves, robbers, or looters do not lay hand on them. Consequently, rich people will always have to bother dividing their wealth in cash, deposit, or any other kind of saving and this really sometimes distract them from other happiness such as spending time with family, or socializing with other people.
However, all these negative sides of being rich are compensated because rich people have their live insured. They have health insurance, and this is one thing that can be enjoyed throughout their life. Rich people are also well accepted by the general population, and sometimes they even influence the society with their role, leadership, and fame. One thing that can only be enjoyed by the rich is education, either for themselves or for their kids. While the poor are struggling really hard just to pay the mortgage or even sell their belongings just to pay their son's and daughter's student loan, rich people are able to sleep over it for they have more than enough money for tuition and world wide networking to get their accepted in most prestigious college and schools.
It can be concluded that being a wealthy person is good as long as there is a balance between material happiness and other happiness such as life satisfaction, family, social engagement, and chance to enjoy other little things in life.

The biggest challenge of this writing is the topic itself in which the discussion is a little bit abstract. What I mean by abstract is, the fact that happiness is a concept and not a tangible thing. The good things is, the fact that people have different definition of happiness and this gives the chance to explore your ideas better. People in general also have different standard of how happy their life is so it will not be too difficult when writing the balanced argument in point number 3.

Note: Strategies used to cope with abstract topic:
1. Use your imagination
Pretend that you are a rich person, what is the first and the biggest problem you will ever face in your life?

2. Provide examples
Just in case you find trouble applying the first strategy, give a real example of what happens around you. Examples from real life experiences help you to look for more concrete explanation, rather than trying to grab the idea by using imaginative approach.

After reading the material, give it a try by doing an exercise, and evaluating your work, now let's try another 'abstract' and 'controversial' topic.Take a look at this topic:

Some people argue that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Meanwhile, others believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Give reason and any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience where possible
Write at least 250 words.


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