
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2019

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample (Package 5)

Topic As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom Sample Answer Technological advancement has significant impact on almost all human life aspects, especially education. Nowadays, there are more and more students who rely on computer when learning or doing school assignment. Some of them have even taken online learning to another level by completely leaving the traditional way of teaching and learning. This has raised a concern regarding the possibility of education being entirely taken over by technology. Computer is an amazing tool which can be used to help the users accomplish certain task, ranging from the simplest task to the most complex one. Learning is no exception. The role of computer becomes more and more important as internet was invented, making it possible for the people to share and access information. Nowadays, there are so many online learning platform which can help students learn better through educa

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample (Package 4)

Topic For school children, their teachers have more influence on their intelligence and social development than their parents To what extent do you agree or disagree Sample answer School is a place where children can gain knowledge and develop their interpersonal skill. It is generally believed that teachers have strong influence on children’s intelligence and social development. While I accept that pupils are acquiring most of their academic skills from the teachers, I would argue that children’s manner and social traits are mostly influenced by their parents. When it comes to the pursuit of knowledge, motivation, and critical thinking, teachers are having a very significant role in children’s development. It often starts from day one at school, that the teachers help the younger members of society to find their passion and learn how to achieve it. There are so many examples of students that owe their lifelong love of a subject to dedicated teachers who used to teach them in high s

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample (Package 3)

Topic Some people think that art is an essential subject for children at school while others think it is just a waste of time Discuss both views and give your opinion Sample Answer The importance of art as a school subject has long been debated. There is a belief that art is less important compared to other subjects like physics or mathematics. I'm going to discuss both views before explaining my own standpoint. To begin with, I would like to outline several reasons why some people think that learning art is a waste of time. These people generally believe that children need knowledge which will help them cope with global competition. Art is not a skill which is highly demanded in this era, compared to computer literacy, marketing or engineering. Parents are afraid that their children will not be able to find prospective career by depending on their artistic ability. Moreover, art is also considered less important compared to more-readily-used knowledge and skill like mathematics or

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample (Package 2)

Topic Safety standards are important when building a house. Who should be responsible for reinforcing the safety standard of a house? Sample Answer As the world’s population continues to increase, there is more and more demand for housing. There are so many types of private dwelling, ranging from conventional house to vertical buildings. In all cases of building, safety standard is one of many aspects which needs to get a serious attention. In my personal opinion, home owners, government and constructor are responsible for ensuring that the house will not pose any potential danger to the dwellers. There are so many examples of potential danger resulted from the violation of safety standard in housing, This writing aims to outline three cases in which illustrate the significance of safety standard in residential homes. First of all, the safety of a house should be the responsibility of each individual. Home owners should realize the potential threat like electrical shortage, fire, or ac

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample (Package 1)

Topic Some people believe that teenagers should be required to do unpaid community work in their free time. This can be beneficial for both the teenagers and the community To what extent do you agree or disagree with this notion? Sample Answer Young generation plays an important role in the society, since their brilliant and innovative mind can always come up with better solutions for all problems we currently face. There are many ways of giving meaningful contribution to the community, and doing community work is just one of them. It is traditionally believed that involvement in social work can benefit not only the society, but also the teenagers themselves. By doing social work, teenagers will better understand the importance of social integrity. They can also find out what they can do best in their future life. For example, when a teenager joins a teaching volunteer program, they will come to a realization that education is one of the most important aspects in life. By understanding

IELTS Reading Section – Tipe soal Identifying Information (TRUE FALSE NOT GIVEN)

Dalam mengerjakan IELTS Reading Section, anda akan dihadapkan pada soal yang beragam jenisnya. Identifying Information adalah salah satu tipe soal yang akan muncul di IELTS Reading Section. Ada beberapa strategi yang harus anda terapkan ketika mengerjakan tipe soal ini. Mari kita mulai pembahasan ini dengan penjelasan singkat mengenai soal Identifying Information. Jenis soal Indentifying Information mengharuskan anda untuk membaca beberapa pernyataan, lalu menentukan apakah pernyataan tersebut benar, salah, atau tidak ada di bacaan. Tipe soal ini secara umum juga dikenal sebagai tipe soal True False Not Given. Beberapa strategi yang harus anda terapkan saat mengerjakan soal ini, diantaranya: - Temukan keyword pada pernyataan, biasanya terdapat 1 sampai 4 keyword, tergantung panjangnya pernyataan - Mulai membaca passage, dari paragraf satu. Ingat, soal akan selalu berurutan dengan bacaan dan tidak akan di acak. Jika anda mengerjakan nomor 1, silahkan fokus pada paragraf pertama. - Setel